14 items collected by: Anonymous (page 1 of 2)

hannah vs tech

Digital Pedagogy

Blurred 3D image of students working with caption “digital pedagogy”

banana contemplating its existence, with text stating "thats not writing, then what is?


Drake reads manifestos.

Top panel: Drake refuses to try to decipher what the fuck this manifesto is saying on his own. Bottom panel: Drake appreciates having someone tell him what the…

I’m Irrelevant


Words aren't real / seagull screaming


Words aren’t real/seagull screaming

Thats not writing meme

Thats not writing


A sad-looking frog. Caption reads: when Hannah wants you to reflect on lecture with five minutes left in class.

Stick figure with face in hands in front of computer. Text says trying to get the library printer to layout my zine

Printing zines

Stick figure with face in hands in front of computer. Text says trying to get the library printer to layout my zine

Brenna Clarke Gray made a career out of memes

Pub Censorship Meme